We are here, together, to make a statement, to make ourselves heard, to create awareness about what happens in Sudan. We are here to make a statement and to raise our voice, so that the innocent will have justice, and the deeds of the guilty are brought to light.

I have recently read so many articles about the situation in Sudan. And it is so important, to be here together, to hold the current regime to account. It is imperative to keep the hope alive for a better and brighter future, and to analyze and prognosticate what is to come. Because if you read these articles, they make one very cynical. We have learned that live ammunition has been used by the regime against peaceful protestors, that opposition leaders have been arbitrarily arrested, and even that political Islam is being reinstated through the backdoor.

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All of this happened since the civilian government of Sudan was shoved aside by the military regime on the 25th of October in 2021. This turns our eye to the Human Rights council of the United Nations. Sudan was first elected to the Human Rights Council in October 2019 after the civilian-led government was formed by former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok. After the military coup in 2021, Sudan was suspended from the African Union, because the democratic transition had been reversed. And now, cynically, Sudan’s military junta will again take the country into the Human Rights Council, and the African Union enables this.

I already said how important it is to reflect upon the future and that this development makes one cynical. But then we look beyond our initial gloom and recognize what a prescient philosopher Oswald Spengler really was. Because beyond that cynicism, the truth is brought to light. And that truth is that the West – with its Christian notion of the individual soul and unalienable natural rights – has given everything to spread these ideas. The West invested so much to institutionalize these humanist concepts within other cultures. But, as Spengler pointed out, other cultures are much more pragmatical in dealing with power, and in the West we are too blinded by our concepts to see this. As soon as Western money dries up, these concepts lose their staying power and their relevance.

We may be outraged, at first, that Sudan is reinstated within the UN Human Rights Council despite these barbaric cruelties taking place. We also remember how outraged we were some years ago when another country chaired the Human Rights council in the same year that the blogger Raif Badawi was prosecuted and flogged for having atheist ideas. Such a country was even invited into the UN Commission for Women’s Rights! People are morally outraged, at first, but then what they were initially outraged against, becomes part of the status quo, and life just moves on. This example is important to illustrate why we are here. We are here to see to it that this process will not be the same for Sudan!

When it comes to money and power, the world tends to forget. Islamists keep doing their thing with a slow and steady march through the ages. There’s a bit of outrage here and there, but in the end, the whole Western push for human rights will just be a blip on the canvas of eternity. Sudan – and more particularly how the African Union and the UN choose to deal with Sudan – illustrates this. In the West, we learn a lot from this – at least those do who wish to see.

The economic and social rights of Sudanese citizens have suffered severely as a result of the accelerating economic crisis since the coup. This has resulted in a sharp decline in living standards and rapidly increasing food insecurity. The human rights situation in the country is dire with hundreds of activists detained during protests – more than 200 activists in Khartoum alone, according to a human rights lawyer with the Darfur Bar Association. Emboldened by years of impunity, and a timid international response to their coup, Sudan’s military leaders have been committing grave crimes against civilians without consequences. The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors stated that security forces have killed 79 people – including nine children – whilst more than 2200 people have been injured.

Not only is there no agreement on a way for Sudan to transition back into civilian democratic rule. The military junta has worsened the situation by allowing the return of political Islamists from the terrorist regime of Omar Al Bashir, accountable for genocide in Darfur. Islamist companies operate under the protection of military intelligence in return for a share of the earnings. There is a growing momentum to unblock Islamist accounts that were seized, and to re-register and unban Islamist voluntary organizations and let them resume their activities.

Sudan, as one of four Muslim states, normalized diplomatic relations with Israel in 2020 and sent delegations recently. Israel, unlike most Western countries, did not condemn the military coup. What does Israel want from a regime that lets islamists creep into power? Why would they associate with this? And before anyone says that this detracts from Sudan, I must point out that it are the international enablers that allow for such a regime to exist! So I encourage other countries to get in touch with the people of Sudan: with the civilians, rather than the military.

A number of 108 human rights organizations submitted a letter to US President Biden. It states that “Islamic extremists, welcomed back after the coup, have begun to harass, attack and detain religious minorities.” Let’s get this straight. Usually – when it comes to the Islamic world and its fragile democracies – first the military gives power to civilians, who then lose this influence to islamists. Then the civilians urge the military to back control and to postpone the democracy, in order to clean the government from fundamentalist influences. But in Sudan, they break this cycle, because here the military skips the civilian phase and invites the islamists directly.

The same letter that I mentioned, also pleas for the US Administration to not accept the military coup as the new status quo in Sudan – this again confirms the prescience of Spengler’s thesis, as it seems a little too late. The world is busy with other big situations – Ukraine, Taiwan, North Korea, Iran. With the eyes of the world set on the big stages, the superpowers will turn a blind eye to military despots and religious fanatics doing their thing in the geopolitical periphery. The Anglo-American status quo will carry on until this sun disappears behind the horizon. The Western zenith will be over and with it, the great era of human rights. What happens in Sudan, today, is a premonition of that – a prelude.

Meanwhile this regime assumes that nobody is paying attention. And they think that nobody cares. But we care. We care about a better future for Sudan! The regime thinks they can get away with this! And they think that nobody notices! But we see them! We see them, and we stand here today, to hold them to account!

Sid Lukkassen is een nieuw project gestart. Namelijk het interviewen van realistische allochtonen. Om zo gezamenlijk een statement te maken tégen de uitholling en afschaffing van het gezellige Nederland zoals wij dat kenden in onze jeugd. Bekijk het maar eens, (inclusief vide). Waarschijnlijk zult u het de moeite waard vinden om te steunen!

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